ALT Revolution
ALT Revolution

ALT Revolution: ALT stands for Anthropomorphic Liberal Trance

Motive: To Conserve, Preserve & Protect the Nature and the Wild Animals(Including all living Creatures). To Maintain the Balance in the Eco-System.

We are a group of Rangers taking Initiative to raise Funds for a Cause. You could say Volunteers.

We serve different causes ranging from poverty, preservation of natural resources and protection of all living creatures. We work with different national animal sanctuaries in India. You maybe thinking that our services are limited to India only. what is in it for you...? We have an answer. We are going International. It's not only about just one country. Every country in this world are facing crisis.

In the past few years we have encountered many situations where people think Humanity and Charity is limited only to Human Beings not Animals. Raising funds to protect the Nature and the Wild Life is one of the toughest responsibility. We don't see wild animals walking freely in the city. We can't give them that Freedom because they will cause Havoc and threat to Human Being. They have to be preserved seperately. Now the thinking has changed totally because of that.. They belong to a different world. They don't need supervision or extreme care. These beliefs have to be changed.

We as Human Being with our day to day activities knowingly or unknowingly causing a lot of harm to the Nature and those innocent and beautiful creatures. Cutting down trees, polluting the water and air, depleting the ozone layer by producing different harmful gasses which leads to global warming... this increases the heat, lack of trees leads to lack of oxygen. There are so many more activities that is causing a lot of harm to the nature, lack of natural resources leads to hungar.

Not just the wild life but all animals should be given priority along with Human beings. Treating them as one of us is all about ALT Revolution. We took this Initiative to Educate the world that Animals Birds Fishes Reptiles Insects Plants Trees Lakes Oceans all together work hard to maintain the balance in the Eco system. If these living creatures never existed or left to be extinct.. It will be hard to survive for Human beings.

Our Initiative is limited to a Single Country or Region. We Strive to Educate everyone about all the situations and causes. Our main Goal is to Spread Humanity. Your Act of Kindness can change the world and it's dimension of thinking.

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ALT Revolution

ALT Revolution

Myself Vipin thandrai, I am a passionate writer with an insatiable curiosity for exploring the fascinating realms of history, science, and culture.